Friday, April 22, 2016

Big Reveal: $329K for a Cozy Queen Village Rowhome

Most readers high-balled the actual asking price

For this week's Pricespotter, we asked readers to guess the asking price of a cozy two-story rowhome in Queen Village. How much does a 2-bedroom, 856-square-foot abode in this charming neighborhood go for these days?

The poll results came in, and it was a close one with 36 percent of voters guessing $459,900 and 34 percent going for $425,000.

But actually, the actual price tag on this home is well below that: $329,900.

And apparently someone was eager to snatch up the steal: The home at 135 Monroe Street is already pending.

Thanks for playing along and stay tuned for next week's Pricespotter!

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